LV Latviski

Paklausīgi bērni vecākiem mīļi. (LFK 1337, 360)

LU LFMI researchers participate in the 18th ISFNR Congress

Three LU LFMI researchers - Aigars Lielbārdis, Agita Misāne and Guntis Pakalns - participate in the 18th International Society for Folk Narrative Research (ISFNR) Congress "Encountering Emotions in Folk Narrative and Folklife", which is held in Zagreb, but takes place online from September 5 to 8. The congress is dedicated to emotions in folk tales and traditional culture.

Topics of Latvian researchers' reports: Aigars Lielbārdis - "Curses and Eliminating Formulas in Latvian Charms", Agita Misāne - "Emotional Narratives of the Latvian Hikers on the Camino de Santiago", Guntis Pakalns - "Latvia's Amateur Storytellers about Emotions".

The program is available here:

A congress booklet with summaries is available here:

Last time modified: 06.09.2021 09:42:06