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Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett visited ALF

Dr. Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett Professor of the New York University visited the Archives of Latvian Folklore. She is a Doctor of folkloristics and the Head Curator of the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw. ProfessorKirshenblatt-Gimblett is a widely internationally known author, whose works are quoted in the scholarly literature on culture heritage, she has also received numerous awards for her publications.

Conference "Towards Digital Folkloristics" concluded

TDF conferenceFrom 14 to 16 September 2016 the Archives of Latvian Folklore of the Institute of Literature, Folklore and Art, University of Latvia held the scholarly conference Towards Digital Folkloristics. Research Perspectives. Archival Praxis. Ethical Challenge. This conference was devoted to the digital folkloristics — a field that has developed at a significantly fast pace during the recent years. With the information technology having become an integral part of our everyday life, folkloristics — the same as other fields of humanities, experience an interdisciplinary "digital turning point", allowing to diversify the field of research. In folklore archives and other culture heritage institutions use of information technology has developed much further than mere creation of digital copies and catalogues. Digital platforms, tools and methods aimed at collection, processing and study of folklore, as well as the ones facilitating communication with the users of folklore archives, have substantially influenced the environment of the folklore archives. Read more...

TOWARDS DIGITAL FOLKLORISTICS: research perspectives • archival praxis • ethical challenges

In September 14–16, 2016, the conference “TOWARDS DIGITAL FOLKLORISTICS: research perspectives • archival praxis • ethical challenges” will take place in Riga, Latvia. The conference is devoted to the rapidly evolving field of digital folkloristics with a particular focus on tradition archives dealing with information technology.

The conference will bring together a range of scholars and folklore archivists, as well as community practitioners to launch a reflexive discussion about the disciplinary outcomes, challenges and perspectives of “the digital age”. The programme includes more than 30 papers to be presented by participants from 19 countries. A diverse range of issues on digital archiving and recent developments in folklore archives around Europe and beyond, as well as research topics concerning online communities, social networks and virtual participatory practices in regard to traditional culture will be explored.

On September 16, the meetings of the SIEF Working Group on Archives and the Network of Nordic and Baltic Tradition Archives will take place.

For program and further information, please, visit the conference website:

The conference stands as an interim conference of the SIEF Working Group on Archives. It is organized by the Archives of Latvian Folklore in cooperation with the SIEF WG on Archives and the Network of Nordic and Baltic Tradition archives. Supported by the Nordic Culture Point and the Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Latvia.